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Life Style/Photography

My humble photography- 나의 누추한 사진 작품들(집과 뒷마당에서)

My humble photography- 나의 누추한 사진 작품들(집과 뒷마당에서)

At my vegetables garden.

At my vegetables garden.

지난 주말밤 캠파이어중에,
우리집 뒷마당 사과나무 배나무.
아직 소식이 없네...

During the last weekend night campfire,
the apple and pear tree in our backyard.
No news yet for Spring...

한마리만 날아와 주면 딱인데...ㅎㅎ
요리하다가, 창가에 꽂아둔 매화가지가 
부엌캐비닛과 어울리길래...

Only missing part is a bird ...^^
Cherry blossom on the kitchen cabinets

"I put the branch in the vase around the window.
While I was cooking, 
I found the color went well with the cabinet"
- At my Kitchen, WA, USA

나를 표현하는 또하나의 방법.
오늘, 카메라와 함께 놀기.

Another way to express me...
- Today, play with my camera, WA, USA

파낸 , 가져온 , 사온 ...

The excavated stones,

bringing gravels and purchased pebbles

- at my backyard, WA, USA