My humble photography- 나의 누추한 사진 작품들(집과 뒷마당에서)
At my vegetables garden.
At my vegetables garden.
지난 주말밤 캠파이어중에,
우리집 뒷마당 사과나무 배나무.
아직 봄 소식이 없네...
During the last weekend night campfire,
the apple and pear tree in our backyard.
No news yet for Spring...
새 한마리만 날아와 주면 딱인데...ㅎㅎ
요리하다가, 창가에 꽂아둔 매화가지가
부엌캐비닛과 잘 어울리길래...
missing part is a bird ...^^
Cherry blossom on the kitchen cabinets
"I put the branch in the vase around
the window.
While I was cooking,
I found the color went well with the cabinet"
- At my Kitchen, WA, USA
나를 표현하는 또하나의 방법.
-오늘, 내 카메라와 함께 놀기.
Another way to express me...
- Today, play with my camera, WA, USA
파낸 돌, 가져온 돌, 사온 돌...
The excavated stones,
bringing gravels and purchased pebbles
- at my backyard, WA, USA
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